
Policy Statements

  1. With regard to tenure, The Board of Trustees delegates to the Chancellor and to the institution Presidents, who in turn delegate to the provost, deans, chairpersons, and faculty, all procedural authority.
  2. The Board of Trustees expects that the institutional policies and procedures will be consistent with Board policy.
  3. Tenure within The 香港六合彩资料论坛 is held by a faculty member only at the institution in which tenure has been awarded, not in the System as a whole.
  4. Institutional tenure policies are to be submitted to the Chancellor and the Board for approval.
  5. Guidelines and procedures for the development, submission, review, and approval of institutional tenure policies are developed and administered by the System鈥檚 Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

Guidelines for Tenure

  1. Definition. The definition of tenure used in each institutional policy should recognize that tenure is an affirmative commitment by the Board of Trustees to a faculty member, generally offered after a probationary period of employment, of a right to continuing employment except upon dismissal for cause, retirement, resignation, bona fide financial exigency of the institution or division in which tenure is held, or major curtailment or formal discontinuance of a program or department of instruction.
  2. Outline of institutional statements on tenure.
    1. Each institution of the System, through appropriate involvement of the faculty, shall develop formal written policies and procedures for the administration of the Board鈥檚 tenure policy. These written institutional policies and procedures shall provide for the following:
      1. Criteria and procedures for faculty appointment, promotion, and the award of tenure
      2. Procedure for non-reappointment of non-tenured faculty
      3. Procedure for termination for cause of a tenured faculty member or a faculty member whose term of appointment has not expired
      4. Procedure for termination due to a bona fide financial exigency or formal discontinuance of a program or department of instruction
      5. Procedure for handling faculty grievances.
    2. The above list of procedures, which is necessary to implement the Board鈥檚 policy on tenure, shall in no way limit the institutions from promulgating additional policies and procedures related to faculty affairs. However because the authority of the Board of Trustees prevails in matters of termination, discipline and grievances, individual institutional policies in those areas shall not attempt to speak on behalf of the Board.
  3. Tenure for Administrative Officers
    1. Under Board policy, administrative appointments do not carry tenure.
    2. The Board recognizes that an individual who holds administrative office may also carry an appropriate academic rank and, thus, have tenure status in the regular faculty. The Board also recognizes that an administrator holding non-tenured academic rank may earn tenure under procedures prescribed for regular faculty members. Therefore, the Board expects that institution recommendations of tenure for executive and senior administrative and professional staff such as presidents, vice presidents, associate and assistant vice presidents, and others as defined in Board Rule 302 shall be reported to the Chancellor for approval by the Board and that such recommendations will be limited to:
      1. Those officials who already hold faculty tenure when moving into administrative positions; and
      2. Those individuals whose faculty tenure is recommended pursuant to the usual review and recommendations set out in each institution faculty handbook, but in all instances providing for a recommendation by the provost, dean, chairpersons, and faculty of the unit to which application for tenure was made.
  4. Determination of a bona fide financial exigency or formal discontinuance of a program or department of instruction. It is the policy of the Board of Trustees to require the institutions to submit their decisions of 鈥渇inancial exigency鈥 or 鈥減rogram discontinuance鈥 to the Chancellor and the Board for approval.
  5. Periodic reporting on institution tenure systems. The Board expects each institution to develop strong personnel policies, consistent with Board policies, and a staffing plan to enable each institution to reach its objectives. The Board expects each institution to keep personnel policies, especially those affecting tenure, under review, make needed revisions, and bring these to the attention of the Board. Periodic reviews of tenure percentages and retirement patterns should be prepared and shared with the Chancellor and the Board. Also, each institution should submit an annual report to the Board of individuals awarded tenure during the preceding year and of academic units more than sixty percent (60%) tenured.

(Adopted November 19, 1980 as Rule 310; amended and renumbered December 5, 1997; amended November 14, 2008; and June 7, 2019.)

302Compensation Policy

  1. Purpose, Objectives, and Scope
    The Compensation Committee of the Board of Trustees (鈥淐ommittee鈥) has a role in assisting the Chancellor and Presidents from the outset to plan and implement compensation arrangements for employees at the 香港六合彩资料论坛 Office (鈥淪ystem Office鈥) and the three campuses (鈥淐ampuses鈥) in specific positions and groups of positions. This role includes but is not limited to, input into the roles, duties, and responsibilities of senior leadership positions; position specifications and necessary qualifications; compensation strategy and comparative data; transition plans; and any other matter assigned to the Committee by the President Pro Tempore ("Pro tem"). This role also relates to the development of extraordinary or unusual employee compensation packages, as discussed in this Rule. The Committee鈥檚 early involvement is required in order to insure the integrity of the compensation programs for the System.
  2. System Office and Campus Employees Covered by Rule
    1. The following individuals are subject to the requirements of this Rule (hereinafter, a 鈥淐overed Employee鈥):
      1. Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Provosts, General Counsel, and Board Secretary;
      2. Any individual whose total annual earnings exceed $450,000;
      3. Any individual who receives a unique benefit or payment which is not generally available to all regular faculty and staff; and
      4. Any other individual that the Committee designates in writing.
    2. No offer of compensation to a Covered Employee shall be effective or binding without the prior approval of the Committee.
    3. In addition, the Committee must approve any employment contract exceeding a total value (i.e., value over the full term of the contract) of $450,000 as well as any modifications thereto.
    4. This Rule applies to employees who were not initially subject to this Rule on their date of hire but subsequently become Covered Employees due to a promotion, salary increase, or other reason. In those instances, the System Office or Campuses must seek Committee approval for the offer of compensation that subjects the Covered Employee to the requirements of this Rule.
    5. For purposes of this Rule, 鈥渢otal annual earnings鈥 does not include compensation from affiliates, related organizations, contractors, or licensees. For any Covered Employee, however, the Committee shall be informed of all compensation paid to the Covered Employee, regardless of the source of funds, through the annual report described in Section 3(e) of this Rule.
  3. Salary Adjustments
    1. The Committee recognizes that the System Office and Campuses typically include a merit pool percentage for salary adjustments in the annual budgets considered by the Board of Trustees.
    2. After consultation with the Committee and the Pro tem, the Committee Chair shall determine any salary adjustments for the Chancellor.
    3. The Chancellor shall determine any salary adjustments for the Presidents and any other Covered Employee at the System Office. The Presidents shall determine any salary adjustments for Covered Employees at the Campuses. The Committee, however, must approve any Covered Employee鈥檚 salary increase 鈥 including any mid-year increases or other adjustments in the preceding twelve months 鈥 that would be more than two and a half times the merit pool percentage or 7.5%, whichever is greater.
    4. In extraordinary circumstances, if recommended by the Chancellor, a salary adjustment in excess of the limits set out in Section 3(c) may be approved by unanimous written consent of the members of the Executive Committee and the Committee Chair without the necessity of a meeting, but such action shall be reported to the Board of Trustees for ratification at the next scheduled meeting.
    5. The System Office Human Resources Department shall report annually to the Committee the total compensation of all Covered Employees, regardless of the source of funds. Additionally, the Committee shall be advised at least two weeks in advance of any proposed salary adjustment for a Covered Employee.
  4. Executive Searches
    1. With respect to searches for Vice Presidents, Provosts, or any other individual that the Committee designates in writing, the following approval process applies:

      Stage 1: The President shall submit to the Chancellor a request to initiate a search. The search shall not begin prior to approval of the Chancellor, who shall consult with the Committee Chair, Pro tem, and Chair of any other relevant Committee as identified by the Pro tem. The request should include at least the following information:
      1. The proposed position title, and, for a new position, justification for the new position and expected salary range.
      2. For an existing position, the name and final base salary of the former employee holding the position.
      3. Whether a search firm will be utilized and the method by which the search firm will be selected.
      4. If a search committee will be used, the anticipated representation of the members of the search committee by department/school who will serve on the committee.

      Stage 2: When finalists are identified and prior to an offer being made, the Stage 1 submission will be updated to include the following:
      1. Market data and salary consideration bearing a proper and reasonable relationship to compensation for administrators with similar responsibility at similar institutions, including the UA System.
        • The proposed target base salary, and relevant internal, UA System, or other external comparison data.
        • Any extraordinary compensation, including deferred and/or supplemental compensation or benefits.
      2. Any other perquisites such as relocation allowances, car allowances, spousal support, or other allowances.
      3. When time is of the essence, Stage 1 and 2 may be submitted concurrently, however, any exceptions to this two-stage process must be preapproved in advance by the Chancellor, after consultation and agreement by the Committee Chair, Pro tem, and Chair of any other relevant Committee. Such an exception may be applied to a specific position or a category of positions.
  5. Salary Ranges
    The System Office shall develop and maintain salary ranges for the Covered Employees listed in Section 2(a)(1) of this Rule. The Presidents shall develop and maintain salary ranges for all other employees on their respective Campuses. The structure of the salary ranges, together with reporting requirements, are more fully set forth below.
    1. Faculty
      The Presidents shall maintain faculty salary ranges by faculty rank, broad discipline category, and campus and report the ranges annually to the System Office of Academic and Student Affairs.
      In arriving at faculty salary ranges, the Presidents shall give due consideration to faculty salary data developed by various groups in higher education. Some of the surveys and studies used and cited frequently are those of the Southern Universities Group, the American Association of University Professors, the Southern Regional Education Board, and the Higher Education General Information Survey. This list is not intended to be exhaustive but rather serves as an example of information that would be used to review the relationship of the salary ranges on each campus to other similar institutions and groups.
    2. Academic Deans
      The Presidents shall maintain salary ranges for the academic deans and report the ranges annually to the System Office of Academic and Student Affairs. In comparing these ranges to the general practices of higher education, the Presidents may use surveys of the institution鈥檚 peer institutions or other appropriate comparators, studies such as those published annually by the College and University Personnel Association, or other appropriate studies which may be developed.
    3. Administrative and Professional Staff
      The Presidents shall maintain salary ranges indicating a minimum and maximum for each position authorized and report the ranges annually to the System Office Human Resources Department. In comparing these ranges to the general practices of higher education, the Presidents may use surveys of the institution鈥檚 peer institutions or other appropriate comparators, studies such as those published annually by the College and University Personnel Association, or other appropriate studies which may be developed.
    4. Non-Exempt Staff
      The President of each campus shall establish and maintain the salary ranges or scales for each job classification included in this group and report the ranges annually to the System Office Human Resources Department. Salary ranges for these positions shall give due consideration to local and/or regional job market information.
  6. Annual Review of Benefit Policies
    The Chancellor will annually review the fringe benefit policies and other aspects of the System and campus compensation program and make recommendations to the Committee that the Chancellor deems appropriate.
  7. Extraordinary Circumstances
    In extraordinary circumstances, the Chancellor 鈥 after consultation with the Committee Chair, Pro tem, and Chair of any other relevant Committee as identified by the Pro tem 鈥 may approve the execution of an employment contract without prior approval of the Compensation Committee. Any such employment contract must be approved by the Compensation Committee within ninety days of execution. Failure to obtain Compensation Committee approval within the ninety-day timeframe terminates the employment contract.

(Adopted November 30, 1977 as Committee Guideline and Rule 350; amended August 23, 1978, April 19, 1996, June 27, 1997; amended and renumbered December 5, 1997; amended December 4, 1998, September 17, 1999, February 4, 2005, November 14, 2008, June 7, 2019, November 5, 2021, and June 7, 2024.)

303Compliance With Drug-Free Workplace Requirements

香港六合彩资料论坛 charges the Chancellor to authorize and direct the Presidents of each campus to enact policies and procedures to ensure that each campus will not fail to meet the requirements recited in the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 for recipients of federal grants and federal contracts involving $100,000 or more. Such policies and procedures shall comply with the following guidelines.

  1. Each campus shall publish a written Policy Statement on a Drug-Free Workplace, which shall include the following information:
    1. It is forbidden to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use any controlled substance unlawfully in the University workplace.
    2. Specified sanctions shall be imposed for violation of this policy.
    3. Any person employed by the University in connection with any federal grant or a federal contract involving $100,000 or more, or, at the option of each campus, all University employees, must consent, as a condition of employment:
      1. to abide by the University's Drug-Free Workplace Policy;
      2. to notify the University within five (5) calendar days of his or her conviction under any criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the University workplace.

      The Policy Statement shall be made available on each campus website and/or other readily available electronic media, in accordance with paragraph C of Board Rule 108, to all persons who are employed by the University in connection with any federal grant or a federal contract involving $100,000 or more, or, at the option of each campus, to all University employees.

      A suggested format for the Policy Statement is attached hereto as Attachment A.
  2. Each campus shall develop and present employee drug-free awareness programs covering:
    1. Dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
    2. The University's drug-free workplace policy;
    3. The availability of counseling and rehabilitation programs for individuals with drug-related problems;
    4. The penalties that will be imposed on employees who violate the University's drug-free policy.
  3. Each campus shall require, as a condition of employment in connection with the performance of any federal grant or a federal contract involving $100,000 or more, or, at the option of each campus, as a condition of employment by the University that employees consent:
    1. To abide by the terms of the Policy Statement provided to them;
    2. To provide notice to the University within five (5) days of their conviction under any criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the University workplace.
  4. Each campus shall designate a University office responsible for receiving information on the conviction, under any criminal drug statute, of any person employed by the University in connection with any federal grant or a federal contract involving $100,000 or more, where the conviction involves a violation occurring in the University workplace.

    Each campus shall develop procedures for conveying to this designated Office any such information received by anyone in the University.

    Each campus shall develop procedures under which this designated Office shall:
    1. Notify each contracting or granting agency in writing of any such conviction, within 10 calendar days of receipt of the information by the University, and include the following:
      1. The employee鈥檚 position title;
      2. The identification numbers of each affected award.
    2. Ensure that, within 30 calendar days of receipt of the information by the University, appropriate personnel action has been taken against the employee, up to and including termination, or the employee has been required to participate in a drug abuse rehabilitation program.
  5. Each campus shall maintain a set of policies and procedures in compliance with the Board Rule. Any subsequent modifications or amendments made to the drug-free workplace policies and procedures of any campus shall follow the guidelines set forth in Board Rule 108 for approving and adopting campus policies.
Download Attachment A to Board Rule 303: Sample Drug-free Workplace Policy Statement Opens in a new window

(Adopted February 10, 1989 as Rule 315; revised May 5, 1989; renumbered December 5, 1997; amended June 7, 2019.)

304Institutional Neutrality and Political Activities of System Personnel

  1. Application of Rule.

    This rule and any guidelines which may be promulgated hereunder apply to all administrative officers, faculty, staff or other employees of The University of Alabama, The University of Alabama at Birmingham (鈥淯AB鈥), The University of Alabama in Huntsville, or the UAB Health System (collectively, The 香港六合彩资料论坛 (鈥淪ystem鈥)).

  2. Institutional Neutrality.

    The Board of Trustees (鈥淏oard鈥) is committed to the First Amendment rights of free speech and free expression for all members of the System community. The Board may reasonably regulate the time, place, and manner of expression in a viewpoint-neutral manner to ensure those rights are protected and that expression does not disrupt the ordinary activities of the System.

    To further safeguard those rights, the System itself must remain neutral on political and social issues unless the issue directly affects any aspects of the System鈥檚 core operations. Taking institutional positions on an issue or making statements about it risks alienating members of the System community and destroying the intellectually independent environment upon which the System thrives. It is for the Board to decide what issues directly affect aspects of the System鈥檚 core operations, so members of the System community exercising their First Amendment rights should make clear they do not speak on behalf of the System, its universities, hospitals, or any administrative unit within the System.

    Consistent with its commitment to institutional neutrality, the Board hereby reaffirms its historic position that the System shall neither endorse nor support any candidate for nomination or election to any public office of the State of Alabama or any other political entity.

  3. Use of System Resources for Political Activity.

    The Board shall continue to require that all System employees comply with state law regarding the use of any System resources, time, or property for or on behalf of any political candidate, campaign, or organization or for any contribution or solicitation of any contribution to a political campaign or organization. Nothing in this Rule, however, is intended to discourage the impartial use of System facilities as a public forum.

  4. Political Activities of System Personnel.

    System employees do not surrender their civil and political rights and responsibilities by virtue of their employment. Indeed, the Board encourages System employees to fulfill their civic responsibilities as private citizens. The Board recognizes, however, that it is often difficult for the public to distinguish between the public and private activities of System employees, particularly when those employees occupy senior administrative positions within the institution. For that reason and because the System is a public institution, the Board wishes to guard against those actions that are illegal and improper as well as those that may create the appearance of impropriety.

    It is incumbent upon System employees to make clear in any political activity whatsoever that they are acting in a private and individual capacity and that their activities have neither System sponsorship nor support. It is also incumbent upon System employees to avoid any private actions of a collective nature that may lend or appear to lend the support of the System to political activity. Because of their prominent identification with the institution, the major administrative officers of the System have a particularly heavy obligation to ensure that their activities are not misinterpreted or misunderstood.

    System employees interacting with public officials and representatives of either the federal, state, county, or municipal government should take due care to observe and comply with applicable requirements of ethics and other laws that may govern such interactions.

  5. Procedures for System Employees Who Seek or Hold Public Office.
    1. No System employee may seek or hold public office and remain in the employ of the System if such activities could or would result in a conflict of interest or interfere with the employee's carrying out his or her responsibilities.
    2. System employees who intend to seek election or re-election to public office at the state, county, or municipal level, must first obtain written approval from their supervisor, the president of the applicable institution, and the Chancellor or his/her designee. In cases where the workload of the employee is the primary concern, Leaves of Absence during periods of running for office or serving in public office may be considered.
    3. System employees elected to or holding public office, at the state, county, or municipal level, must have a written Management Plan to assist in avoiding any conflict of interest or conflict of commitment. Such a plan should speak directly to any potential or perceived conflicts, including management of time, resources, and property. A written plan must be agreed to by the employee, his/her supervisor, the president, and the Chancellor or his/her designee.
    4. Copies of approvals pursuant to paragraph (b) and plans pursuant to paragraph (c) must be sent to the Chancellor or his/her designee to be maintained in a central location. A copy should also be maintained in the HR records of the employee.
  6. Report to the Chancellor.

    If there exists a reasonable question whether a potential activity of a System employee is consistent with the policy of the Board on political activities of System personnel, the employee shall report the proposed activity to the Chancellor for approval through appropriate channels.

(Adopted August 23, 1978 as Rule 320; renumbered December 5, 1997; amended June 7, 2019 and September 5, 2024)

305Service by University Officers as Directors or Officers of Unrelated Organizations

For the purpose of maintaining Board practice and policy of preventing even the appearance of conflicts of interest, no Chancellor, President, System administrator, or campus senior administrator shall serve, or accept appointment or election to serve, as director or officer of an unrelated organization, unless such service, appointment, or election:

  1. Is for an uncompensated position that does not require more than a minimal amount of time; or
  2. Has been disclosed to, and approved by:
    1. For requests related to the Chancellor or Presidents, the President pro tempore, in consultation with applicable Board Chairs, unless the President pro tempore refers such consideration to the Public Review Committee.
    2. For requests related to System administrators or campus senior administrators, the Chancellor, unless the Chancellor refers such consideration to the Public Review Committee.

    No such person serving as a director of an unrelated organization shall take part in any decision involving the nature or extent of relationships or transactions with the organization on whose board he or she is serving.

(Adopted January 21, 1981 as Rule 330; amended April 18, 1997; renumbered December 5, 1997; new rule substituted June 7, 2019.)

307Board Recognition of Faculty and Staff

The Board desires to continue its policy of recognition of outstanding accomplishments or long periods of service by members of the faculty or staff, by the adoption and implementation of the following forms of recognition:

  1. Upon death or retirement of any Dean, administrative official, or tenured faculty member, each of whom has served at least 10 years in The 香港六合彩资料论坛, or of any other employee rendering exceptional service, a formal resolution of recognition and appreciation containing the individual's biographical information and accomplishments shall be presented to the Board for its consideration, with the recommendation of the applicable President and Chancellor.
  2. Each campus shall promptly report the death of any employee not recognized in Section One to the Secretary, whereupon the Secretary shall forward an appropriate message of condolence to the employee's family on behalf of the Board. Each campus will also forward annually to the Secretary a consolidated report of all deceased employees for recording in the minutes of the annual meeting of the Board.
  3. Upon notice of retirement of any employee who is not recognized in Section One and who has served at least 10 years in The 香港六合彩资料论坛, the Board on recommendation of the applicable President and Chancellor may award to the employee a certificate of citation, in form set forth in Attachment A. Presentation of the certificate shall be made by or on direction of the applicable President or Chancellor. Each campus shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an annual report of all retiring employees, which report shall be recorded in the minutes of the annual meeting of the Board.
  4. In addition, upon recommendation of the applicable President and the Chancellor, the Board may recognize by appropriate resolution, either on termination of employment or at any other time, outstanding accomplishments by any members of the faculty or staff in teaching, research, or service.
Printable sample "committment to service" certificate.

(Adopted February 1, 1978 as Rule 380; renumbered December 5, 1997.)

308Housing and Moving Expenses of a Chancellor or President

The Chancellor and any President may be required, as a condition of employment, to live in a residence owned by the University (an 鈥渙fficial residence鈥). Where such a provision is not included as a requirement of employment, the University may agree, by contract, to provide the Chancellor or President with a housing allowance.

  1. Payment of Costs for Moving In and Out of Official Residence

    When, as a condition of employment, any Chancellor or President is required to live in an official residence, the University may agree to pay all or a portion of the reasonable cost of moving the personal belongings of the Chancellor or President and his or her family into the official residence or into storage (or both).

    Upon the retirement, resignation, or termination of a Chancellor or President, the Chancellor or President and his or her family shall move out of the official residence. In the event of the death or disability of the Chancellor or President, the provisions of Section II, below, shall apply. If a Chancellor or President living in an official residence dies or becomes disabled to the extent that he or she can no longer fulfill the requirements of that office in the judgment of the Board, or if a Chancellor or President living in an official residence should retire or resign with the approval of the Board, then the University may agree to pay all or a portion of the reasonable cost of moving the personal belongings of the Chancellor/President and his or her family out of the residence and into another residence in the local community. The University will not pay any costs of moving the personal belongings of a Chancellor/President to another community nor will the University normally agree to pay any such cost if the Chancellor/President is resigning or retiring in order to take a position with another employer.

    For purposes of this policy, the term 鈥減ersonal belongings鈥 shall include all household goods, appliances, furniture, furnishings, clothing, wearing apparel, personal effects, silverware, china, glassware, works of art, and all other items normally used in or in connection with a personal residence. The term 鈥渞easonable costs of moving鈥 shall include the cost of packing the personal belongings at the former location and unpacking them at the new location. The University will not assume any responsibility for the loss, damage, or destruction of any personal belongings involved in such moves. Arrangements for any moves that will be paid, in whole or in part, by the University will normally be arranged through the business office providing financial services to the Chancellor/President.

    Agreements to pay any moving costs under this policy may be set out in the employment contracts of the Chancellor/President or may be reached at any time prior to the termination of services by the Chancellor/President. Except where clearly stated herein, any approval or agreement required herein involving the

    Chancellor must be approved by the Board of Trustees or its designee, and in the case of a President, it must be approved by the Chancellor.

  2. Continued Housing for Family of Deceased or Disabled Chancellor or President

    In the event of the death of an incumbent Chancellor or President who had been living with his or her spouse and/or family in an official residence, the spouse and family of the deceased Chancellor or President shall have up to four months in which to relocate. If the Chancellor or President had been receiving a housing allowance, rather than housing in an official residence, said allowance shall continue for the spouse and family for up to four months.

    In the event that an incumbent Chancellor or President living in an official residence shall become disabled to the extent that, in the judgment of the Board, he or she can no longer fulfill the requirements of the office, the Chancellor/President and his or her family shall have up to four months in which to relocate. If the Chancellor/President had been receiving a housing allowance, rather than housing in an official residence, said allowance may continue for up to four months after it is decided that the Chancellor/President can no longer fulfill the requirements of his or her position.

(Adopted December 4, 1998.)

309Compensation Guidelines for Retreating Presidents and Chancellor

  1. This policy applies to Chancellors and Presidents:
    1. who have academic tenure in a department or division of the University,
    2. who will be vacating the Office of Chancellor or President,
    3. who are not being terminated by the Board as Chancellor or President for any reason (i.e., who are voluntarily resigning or retiring from the position with the consent of the Board), and
    4. who have served five years or more as Chancellor or President in a manner the Board finds to be exceptional or otherwise meritorious.
  2. Individuals who meet the criteria described in (1) and (2) above, but not in (3) and/or (4), shall, at their request, be transferred to the department or division in which they hold tenure and shall be entitled to compensation and benefits comparable to tenured faculty members in that department at the full professor level.
  3. Individuals who meet all the criteria above (1-4) may, at the discretion of the Board, receive the following compensation and benefits:
    1. A one-year (12-month) sabbatical leave with full pay would be given to provide time to prepare for a return to the faculty. The sabbatical would include full pay from University and foundation sources at the compensation level last received as President or Chancellor, as well as continuation of other perquisites except university-provided housing and use of the President鈥檚 or Chancellor鈥檚 office space.
    2. Upon completion of the sabbatical year, the individual would return to the active faculty. The individual鈥檚 salary would be equal to that of the highest-paid faculty member in the individual鈥檚 department, and benefits would be comparable to those of all other faculty. No other perquisites (such as cars, clubs, etc.) or salary supplements would be provided.
  4. Notwithstanding anything in this Board Rule, the contract provisions applicable to the incumbent Chancellor and Presidents holding those positions as of the date of first adoption of this Board Rule shall take precedence over these guidelines.

(Adopted December 4, 1998.)

310Employment of or Contracting with Individuals who are Receiving Retirement Benefits from the Alabama Teachers鈥 Retirement System

  1. The University may hire, employ, contract with, compensate, or pay any individuals who are receiving retirement benefits from the Alabama Teachers鈥 Retirement System under the following conditions:
    1. the compensation or other amounts paid to them (i) by the University for their employment or under their contract or other arrangement with the University, or (ii) by a business or other entity under a contract or other arrangement with the University, will not exceed the amount specified in Section 16-25-26, Code of Alabama 2001 as adjusted from year to year as provided in that section; or
    2. they provide documentation sufficient to verify that any compensation or other amounts paid to them by a business or entity under a contract or other arrangement, taken together with any amounts paid by the University , will not exceed the amount specified in Section 16-25-26, Code of Alabama, as adjusted from year to year as provided for in that section.
    3. they terminate their TRS retirement benefits (i) during the time of their reemployment, contract, or other arrangement with the University or (ii) while they are receiving compensation or other amounts from a business or other entity under a contract or other arrangement with the University; or
    4. a determination has been made whether or not the revolving door provision of the Alabama Ethics law applies to them.

(Adopted June 6, 2002; amended June 7, 2019.)

311Previous Service With External Auditors

For the purpose of preventing even the appearance of any undue influence on the University鈥檚 external audits, the University shall not hire into the position of Chancellor, President, Vice Chancellor for Financial Affairs, Vice President for Financial Affairs, Chief Audit Executive, Chief Accounting Officer, Controller, or equivalent position, any individual who was engaged in conducting an external audit of the University during the previous annual audit cycle, which would include the previous fiscal year and the period of reporting by the audit firm on that fiscal year to the Board of Trustees.

(Adopted November 9, 2007 and amended June 7, 2019.)