The entire management and control over the activities, affairs, operations, business, and property of The 香港六合彩资料论坛 (hereinafter referred to as the "University") shall be completely and absolutely vested in 香港六合彩资料论坛 (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"); however, upon general or specific authorization or delegation made or provided for in these Bylaws, the Board may exercise its management and control by and through such officers, officials, committees and agents as may seem fit and proper.

Section 1Composition of the Board

The Board consists of the Governor of the State of Alabama, ex-officio, who serves by virtue of the respective office, three members elected by the Board from the congressional district in which the Tuscaloosa campus is located, and two members elected by the Board from each of the other congressional districts in the State of Alabama, as those congressional districts were constituted on January 1, 2018.

Section 2Election and Term of Office

The Governor shall serve only while holding the office of Governor. Elected Trustees shall hold office for a term of six years, commencing on the date of their election except as modified below. When the term of any Trustee shall expire, or in case of a vacancy by death or resignation of a Trustee, or from any other cause, the remaining Trustees shall elect a successor by secret ballot; provided, that any Trustee so elected shall hold office from the date of his or her election until his or her confirmation or rejection by the Senate, and, if confirmed, until the expiration of the term for which elected and until his or her successor is elected, or, in the case of a vacancy, for the unexpired term for which he or she was elected and until his or her successor is elected. If the Senate should reject the name of any Trustee, the remaining Trustees shall thereupon elect Trustees in the stead of those rejected. Neither the existence nor continuation of a vacancy in the office of a Trustee shall serve to impair or hinder any provisions of these Bylaws or the validity of the operations and actions of the Board by virtue of that vacancy alone. A Trustee shall not serve more than three consecutive full six (6) year terms on the Board. Other than as described above, no Trustee shall be removed from office except for cause, and then only by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the total number of Trustees (Elected and ex officio) then holding office, with notice and an opportunity to be heard provided.

Section 3Congressional District

Congressional districts from which members are appointed shall be as those districts were constituted on January 1, 2018.

Section 4Retirement and Trustee Emeritus Status

Each elected Trustee shall retire from the Board at the annual meeting following that Trustee's seventieth-fifth birthday. Any elected member who retires or who is not reelected may be designated by the Board as a Trustee Emeritus. Such designation shall confer no responsibilities, duties, rights, or privileges as such but shall constitute recognition of services and experience and will publicly acknowledge that person as particularly suited for counsel and advice to the Board. The Board encourages the availability of Emeriti Trustees for such counsel and advice and may request special services of them.

Section 5Compensation of Trustees

No Trustee shall receive pay or emolument other than his or her actual expenses incurred in the discharge of his or her duties as such; such expenses shall be paid or reimbursed from University funds upon the authorization of the Chancellor. Such authorization shall be subject to review and certification annually by the President of the Board, or, in his or her absence, the President pro tempore.

Section 6Primary Functions of the Board

In the exercise of its exclusive authority to manage and control The University, as granted by the Constitution of the State of Alabama, the Board recognizes that it must determine major policy, review existing policy, define the missions, role and scope of the University and each of its major divisions or component institutions (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "campus", or 鈥渃ampuses鈥, or 鈥渃ampuses and health system鈥), and provide ultimate accountability to the public and the political bodies of Alabama. Any authority delegated by the Board shall be subject always to the ultimate authority of the Board.

Within these fundamental responsibilities, the Board will perform where appropriate, many essential functions, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Establish policies and goals of the University and direct the Chancellor to implement and achieve those policies and goals;
  2. Review and approve academic plans, including new programs and new units, and major modifications in existing programs and units;
  3. Approve, upon recommendation of the Presidents, the earned degrees awarded;
  4. Designate academic chairs and professorships; award honorary degrees; and name buildings and other structures (and major portions thereof), streets, geographic areas, and academic, research, and service programs;
  5. Approve admission policies and levy fees and charges;
  6. Review and approve legislative requests for appropriations;
  7. Review and approve annual budgets and budget changes;
  8. Approve all gifts where restrictions are indicated, designate the use of unrestricted gifts, and approve and designate the use of testamentary gifts;
  9. Approve all loans, borrowing, and issuance of bonds;
  10. Approve appointments and salaries of principal officials;
  11. Approve or designate who shall approve compensation policy for faculty and staff;
  12. Approve Campus Master Plans, Facilities Development Programs, and Capital Development Programs;
  13. Approve or designate who shall approve all contractual relationships and other major legal obligations executed in the name of the Board;
  14. Approve or authorize the Executive Committee to approve all purchases and sales, of real property, and insure that all properties of the University are preserved and maintained; and, by Board Rule, to authorize the Chancellor, after review by the General Counsel, to convey rights-of-way or easements for utilities that serve University facilities, programs, or activities;
  15. Establish objectives, policies, and practices which provide for effective and prudent management, control, and preservation of the investment assets of the University;
  16. Establish auditing policies and standards and appoint independent auditors;
  17. Approve architects, engineers, and project managers, preliminary and final budgets, and award of construction contracts for certain capital projects, as well as the acquisition of certain new equipment and computer software and all land;
  18. Approve all depository agreements for the deposit of funds.