Presented June 2005
Adopted September 2005
Revised June 2019

Annotation 1Campus Master Plan

The Chancellor's office will review the current status of each Campus Master Plan as it relates to actual campus development, Five Year Facilities Development Plans, and Annual Capital Development Plans and establish with the Campus Presidents the requirements and extent of required formal updates to each Master Plan.

Based on the established schedule for updates to Campus Master Plans, Campus Administrations shall provide the Chancellor with a tentative schedule and Campus Planner proposed for the completion of the Campus Master Plan Update, and the Chancellor's office thereafter will advise the Physical Properties Committee and the Board of Trustees of the schedule for updates of such Master Plans on an annual basis.

When updated Campus Master Plans or Amendments to the Master Plan as noted hereinafter, are ready for review for approval by the Physical Properties Committee and the Board, the Campuses will allow for a minimum of two (2) consecutive Board meetings to complete the presentation, review, and approval process. This will allow the Physical Properties Committee and the Board of Trustees adequate time to thoroughly review each Campus Master Plan before approval thereof.

Annotation 2Campus Master Plan Amendments

Campus Facilities Officers shall confer with the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and/or the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Construction Management on the extent of ongoing changes in each campus environment, and a determination will be made on the requirements for Formal Amendment(s) to each Campus Master Plan and the subsequent review and approval by the Physical Properties Committee and the Board.

Annotation 3Five Year Facilities Development Plans

Reference Tab 3-A for an example of the format currently approved by the Chancellor's office for the preparation of the Five Year Facilities Development Plan, which is submitted as part of an Annual Consolidated Capital Projects and Facilities Report.

Annotation 4Annual Capital Development Plans

Reference Tab 3-A for an example of the currently approved format for the Annual Capital Development Plan, which is submitted as part of the Annual Consolidated Capital Projects and Facilities Report.

See Attachment K (Board Rule 415 - Basic document) for the information required for each new project included in the Annual Capital Development Plan.

Because of the importance and need for a thorough review of each Annual Capital Development Plan, beginning in FY2006-07, the Annual Capital Development Plan shall be submitted to the Board in June of each fiscal year along with Operational Budgets with follow-up presentations and requests for approvals at the September Board meeting(s) thereafter.

Annotation 6Annual Appropriation Requests

  • The Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration of The 香港六合彩资料论坛 shall establish the guidelines and submittal dates for Annual Appropriations Requests to be submitted to the Legislature. These requests shall be in the form of a consolidated report from the campuses of UA, UAB, UAB Health System and UAH and will be formally submitted by the Chancellor's office.
  • See Tab 3-V for an example of business plans.

Annotation 7Requested Declaration on Required Board Action for
Non-Substantial Impacts to Campus Environment

In the event a Campus desires to request a declaration from the Board on the submission of a project to the Physical Properties Committee and the Board, which is considered non-substantial in impacting the visual appearance of the campus, a formal letter should be submitted to the Chancellor's office and to the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee for review and approval. This letter shall contain as a minimum, the following information along with drawings, diagrams, or digital photographs to illustrate the extent of work being considered:

  1. Project designation and location.
  2. Size, age, and method of acquisition of the project.
  3. Brief description of any planned building, signage, or building appurtenances which will constitute the project.
  4. A summary of previous information on the subject matter which has been presented to the Board.
  5. A brief justification statement on why the campus is requesting a declaration on the review and approval process and verification there is no historic significance to the proposed project and that the project is not included in the current approved Campus Master Plan, except for the proposed action associated therewith.

See Tab 3-B for a typical form letter to requests such a waiver.

Annotation 8Approval of "Sole Source" Purchase of Equipment

All equipment purchases shall be in accordance with Section 41-16-20 of the Alabama Code and Federal requirements of the Office of Management & Budget mandates as applicable to the procurement of materials, equipment, services, and supplies and shall be acquired through the competitive bid process. When special material or equipment purchases are required which can only be provided by a single source, the Campus shall submit a fully executed "Request for a Sole Source Justification" in the form shown under Tab 3-C, as part of the Board Package.

Annotation 9Equipment Purchase Board Submittal Package

See Tab 3-D for examples of typical Board Packages for approval of equipment purchases.

Annotation 10Identification and Budgeting of Equipment Included in
Capital Projects

The extent of equipment purchases included in Capital Construction Projects shall be clearly identified by type and overall cost in the "Project Budgets" and "Equipment to be purchased" sections of the Executive Summary- See Tab 3-E.

Annotation 10a: Annual Timber Management Plan

The Annual Timber Management Plan should include a proposed schedule and method of harvest for the upcoming year, detailing the specific tract of land where the timber is located, the type of timber to be harvested, an estimated value for each harvest, and any other relevant factors known to the University Forester at the time of the Plan鈥檚 submission. When establishing an estimated value for a harvest, the University Forester shall submit a proposed range with a minimum value of not less than 10% below the expected market price.

The Plan shall also include a summary of all sales completed under the prior year鈥檚 Plan, and shall detail any deviations approved by the Board since the submittal of the Plan and the justification therefore. If a tract of timber is damaged during a natural disaster the University Forester shall assess the damage, and if needed shall submit a report to the Chairman of the Committee and the Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration, detailing the type of tree or stand damaged and requesting the timber be harvested for salvage. In an effort to maximize the salvage value of the damaged timber, the report shall establish priorities for salvaging the damaged timber and a justification for the same. All salvage sales conducted shall follow the guidelines for the Disposition of Real Property established in Attachment D, and shall be confirmed at the Board鈥檚 next scheduled Board meeting.

Annotation 11Designated Campus Agents

Reference Attachment H - Board Rule 415 (Basic Document) for a typical resolution appointing the Designated Campus Agent for Real Estate Management.

Annotation 12Stage I Submittal to Board

Reference Tab 3-F for an example of a Stage I Submittal using Attachment K to the Board Rule 415 (Basic Document) as the primary format for providing project information to the Board.

Annotation 13Pre-Design Submittal to Chancellor's Office

Reference Tab 3-G for the Facilities Program Information required to be submitted prior to initiation of project design.

Annotation 14Stage II and Stage III Submittal to Board

See Tab 3-H for examples of a typical Stage II and Stage III Submittals to the Board.

Annotation 15Submittal to the Board for Approval of Contract Award

See Tab 3-I for examples of typical recommendations for Contract Award or Stage IV submittals to the Board.

Annotation 16UA System Construction Data Base Survey

Reference Attachment I which will be used by the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Construction Management to update the System Data Base on construction activities.

Annotation 17Qualifications Based Consultant's Selection Process

The revised Board Rule 415 promulgates/requires a 鈥淨ualifications Based Selection Process鈥 for consultants with appropriate approvals of consultant rankings by the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration of the 香港六合彩资料论坛 before submission to the Physical Properties Committee and the Board. The revised Board Rule 415 is very specific with respect to selection procedures which will be used for Architect/Engineers and also for other First Tier professionals such as Construction Managers, Program Managers, and other construction entities with primary contract responsibilities for project delivery.

Second Tier consultants for such services as geotechnical engineering, interior design services, and building commissioning should also be selected using the 鈥淨ualifications Based Selection Process鈥, but do not require specific approval by the Physical Properties Committee or the Board, except for those services where compensation will be equal to or exceed $100,000. Funding for such services, however needs to be clearly identified in project budgets and the selection procedures for such services shall be clearly documented for the file. Contracts for Third Tier consulting services such as acoustical studies, wind tunnel studies, cost estimating, scheduling, etc., are not considered major consulting engagements and will not require the detail interview and ranking procedures outlined in the revised Board Rule 415; unless advised otherwise by the Chancellor鈥檚 office or the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee.In implementing the above referenced procedure for the selection of major consultants, those individuals who are appointed to serve on Selection Committees should have senior level experience either in the architectural, engineering, or construction administration fields or have faculty credentials associated with facility requirements in programs for Capital Projects. It is important also, that all members of a Selection Committee are fully familiar with the guidelines for such activities outlined in Board Rule 415, and a copy of such selection procedures should be provided to each individual appointed to a Selection Committee.

Since the revised Board Rule 415 requires a 鈥淨ualification鈥檚 Based Selection Process鈥, the goal of each Selection Committee should be to evaluate consultants based as a minimum on the criteria established in Attachment 鈥淏鈥 to Board Rule 415. Each Committee should have a senior level employee licensed as a professional architect or engineer on the Committee, if possible, to serve as a professional advisor and to staff the Committee. It is highly desirable that only senior level managers be appointed to such Committees and such important responsibilities should not be delegated to others. Senior managers who are charged with this responsibility of staffing such Committees shall verify that all such procedures associated with project notifications, qualifications of firms being interviewed, interview outlines, and the consultant rankings must be in strict accordance with the new guidelines established by Board Rule 415. (See Tab 3-K for Supplemental Information on the 鈥淨ualifications Base Selection Process.鈥

Annotation 18Notifications to Prospective Design and
Construction Consultants

Each campus should establish a uniform format for notifications to consultants who will be interviewed for capital projects, as required by Board Rule 415, and such notifications shall be in strict accordance with this section of Attachment 鈥淏鈥 to Board Rule 415 (see Tab 3-L) to ensure timely and complete notifications to Alabama Based Architects and Engineers.

Annotation 19Corporate Practice of Architecture and Engineering

The revised Board Rule 415 and the laws of the State of Alabama require appropriate licensing for design and construction consultants engaged for Capital Projects. From time to time, there may be corporate entities or other businesses who offer to provide such design or construction services to the campuses, and in such cases all interviews, selection, and contracting associated with such work should be conducted only with those professional entities from those corporations who are properly licensed to offer such services and from a management standpoint, are individuals who are in responsible charge of the services being provided. As an example, in some cases partnerships, corporations, or companies may hold a 鈥淐ertificate of Authorization鈥 issued by a Board of Licensure to be engaged in the offering of such professional services; however, the firms themselves who hold such Certificates are not licensed to practice architecture or engineering. Only those individuals within such a firm, who are properly licensed may be engaged in the providing of such services. Furthermore, entities operating under a 鈥淐ertificate of Authorization鈥 must have a principle officer or officers duly licensed to practice in the State of Alabama, and who shall be in responsible charge of the practice and offering the practice of such professional services on behalf of the partnership, corporation or company. In order to assure full compliance with State Laws and Board Rule 415 the acquiring of professional services from such partnerships, corporations or companies, shall be conducted only with those principle officers of the entity who are properly licensed and in responsible charge of the practice of architecture/engineering.

Annotation 20Interview Outlines and Individuals to be Interviewed

Consultant Selection Committees should furnish candidates, a prescribed presentation format (interview outline) to be used during the interview, and require that only those consulting personnel who will be directly involved in providing such services to the University will be involved in the interview process (See Tab 3-M for examples).

Annotation 21Approval Process for Ranking of Consultants

The appointment of a Consultant Selection Committee, scheduled formal interviews by the Selection Committee, and thereafter the final ranking of consultant firms must be scheduled to provide for a timely review by the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration of the 香港六合彩资料论坛. Consequently, these activities must be completed and correspondence transmitted to the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee a minimum of three (3) weeks prior to the date stipulated for receipt of Board Packages in the System Office for each scheduled Board meeting. Separate letters should be addressed to the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and shall include as a minimum the following:

  1. Reference project name, location, and project number
  2. Reference date of Stage I approval for the project
  3. Date(s) of informative notifications to Alabama based companies on the project and the methods used for such notifications
  4. List consulting firms pre-qualified and interviewed for the project, list date of formal interviews by Consultant Selection Committee, and the ranking of the three (3) firms determined to be the most qualified for the project
  5. Describe the primary selection criteria used by the Consultant Selection Committee and minimum of the four (4) most important criteria used in determining the three ( 3) most qualified consultant firms
  6. Request (1) approval of ranking of consultant firms and (2) approval to submit rankings to Physical Properties Committee and Board for the next scheduled Physical Properties Committee/Board of Trustees meeting and/or Executive Committee meeting
  7. Includes signature block for review and approval by the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration of the 香港六合彩资料论坛 on each request for approval of consultants rankings
  8. Attach Part I Executive Summary Consultant Selection Process along with interview outline**
    • In choosing among those A/E entities that present comparable qualifications, campus A/E selection committees shall grant a preference to Alabama-based firms and firms with a Substantial Alabama Presence.

*See Tab 3-N for example of letters requesting approval of the consultants ranking.

**Signed by the Chairman of the Consultant Selection Committee and Campus Central Administration,

Annotation 22Notification of Selected Consultants to Chairman of the
Physical Properties Committee and Vice Chancellor for
Financial Affairs - The 香港六合彩资料论坛

After approval of the consultant ranking by the Physical Properties Committee and the Board, the consultant contract negotiations shall be completed in accordance with the provision of Board Rule 415. After a final selection has been made of such consultants, correspondence shall be directed to the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee, and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration - 香港六合彩资料论坛 and will include as a minimum the following information:

  1. Reference project name, location, and project number
  2. Reference date of approval of consultant ranking by Physical Properties Committee
  3. List the most qualified firm with the best fee proposal
  4. List the major reasons why this firm was selected as a result of the final negotiations
  5. Provide information on compensation to be provided to consultant including fees and associated expenses and how this compensation compares to industry standards
  6. Provide specific justification for any extraordinary fees or reimbursables negotiated with the consultant
  7. Attach Part II Executive Summary Consultant Selection Process.

*In choosing among those A/E entities that present comparable qualifications, campus A/E selection committees shall grant a preference to Alabama-based firms and firms with a Substantial Alabama Presence.

*See Tab 3-O notifying the Chairman of the Physical Properties Committee and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration - 香港六合彩资料论坛 of the final consultant selections for the project.

Annotation 23University Related Easements and Rights-of-Way

University related easements and rights-of-ways shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with Board Rule 414. These easements and rights-of-way must be for the exclusive use of the University, and not be available for use by outside entities - See Tab 3-P of University Right-of-Way - Part II Report.

The granting of easements and rights-of-way for non-university related entities shall be submitted and approved in accordance with Attachment D to Board Rule 415 - See Tab 3Q for an example of a non-university related Easement or Right- of -Way.

Annotation 24

See Tab 3-R for an example of a Board Package requesting approval of Disposition of University Owned Property.

Annotation 25

See Tab 3-S for an example of a request to the Board for Acquisition of Property.

Annotation 26

See Tab 3-T for an example of a Facility Lease Requiring Board Approval.

Annotation 27

See Tab 3-U for an example of a request for approval of a Mineral Lease.

Annotation 28

See Tab 3-W for Primary and Secondary Duties and Responsibilities for Assistant Vice Chancellor for Construction Management